How might Resurrection happen in our world and our lives today? This was a question a group of us reflected on as we 'gathered on zoom' for Easter Sunday.
Earthquakes, angels and stones that get rolled away
Resurrection happens when we move beyond selfishness towards community
How? I mean Matthew's gospel tells us there was an earthquake and then an angel rocked up
All gleaming and bright lightning clothes
Moved the stone and then told the Marys what to do
What about for us?
Where do we see angels or hear them
How do we move away the stones blocking us in
to our own selfishness?
Did the earthquake help to loosen the stone?
Will this ‘earthquake’ we are living through -
Some much more exposed than others -
Be a shared experience that builds community in new ways?
As our stones of individualism are rolled away
And new ties of connection are made?
And what about the angels?
Angels without the gleaming clothes
Are harder to perceive
And still harder to hear
Maybe they wait for us with a spark of creativity
At the end of our tether
As we try home-schooling
Or entertain isolated parents over Zoom
Stones, the bits that remain when old structures crumble
Or indeed crash down
Are also the bits that can be put together differently to form
The new emerging normals of these times